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Welcome to Jodi’s Digital Art Gallery. Jodi not only challenges her talent in fine art, she loves to push her talent through digital art too. She creates pieces that are just as beautiful and inspiring as if she hand painted them herself. Jodi also uses digital art to create art work that can be used for apparel, cups, journals, travel bags etc..
Welcome to Jodi’s Digital Art Gallery. Jodi not only challenges her talent in fine art, she loves to push her talent through digital art too. She creates pieces that are just as beautiful and inspiring as if she hand painted them herself. Jodi also uses digital art to create art work that can be used for apparel, cups, journals, travel bags etc..
Beauty in The Garden
Digital art image of a woman walking in a garden. Tropical , floral art by Jodi Trujillo
Tropical Paradise
Digita art of an oceanscape with waves and hibiscus and plumerias in the foreground.
Pink rose
Monochromatic art, pink, digital art, rose